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Our Company
The centerpiece and mission statement of ODIN Building Automation Systems is to provide an integrated user interface to present a complex, technical HVAC system in a simplified format. We use common network connections with computers and mobile devices to leverage internet access and provide a powerful tool to help manage a building’s operation.
The design of ODIN includes being able to scale the system size from very small to very large systems and still maintain the response and management of data. We recognize the four most important issues that a system management requires; ability to adjust set points, to trend data, manage schedules, and to provide notifications including alarms. These features are easily implemented with the ODIN product.
The primary goals of a building owner/operator are to be able to maintain comfort and maximize energy costs. This requires a properly operating system and a way to monitor and service the system if there is a problem. This is where the dealer supported ODIN product is designed to succeed.

From Our CEO Erik Maseng
The Internet of Things (IOT) has become a way of life for many people today. We use our smart phones, mobile devices, and computers for more than just phone calls and web browsing. We text, tweet, email among many other ways to express ourselves to anyone we can connect to and communicate with.
We are also communicating with machines, which require that we have an interface that makes sense. One of the limitations of building automation systems is that they can be complex and usually require a trained technician to understand and manage them. Building owners and facility operators generally rely on a service contractor for support, but may feel disconnected from their own building. The ODIN product can easily connect them with an intuitive interface, especially when the information is at their fingertips with mobile devices. The integration of HVAC systems is a reality today and will only become more prevalent in our future.